I'm now broken (again)

Canada, while being a great place, seems rather detrimental to my health.

Last winter I got too sendy on a jump, cleared the landing and landed flat from 3-4m up. Broke the cartilage that holds one of my ribs to my sternum.

In the summer I hit a tree and broke my pinky. Not too bad you think, well, look at the x-ray. Hopefully you never see a pinky as smashed up as that again!

I'm not sure how many pieces of bone that is, but at least 4, plus an Ex-Fix and 2 pins.

Now, both these crashes were my own fault. I felt annoyed and put out and frustrated, but in reality, I only had myself to blame.

Then this morning, some inconsiderate *insert rude word* (my Granny reads this blog!) falls off the piste I am passing on a cat-track into the 10' gap between myself and the skier ahead of me. Giving me, what, 6' to dodge him? Unsurprisingly, I failed and smashed into him at speed.

As I hit the floor I hear *crack*, think, 'I don't like that sound' but it feels OK. I lay there for a moment, then unstrap and start walking to the top of the rise ahead ignoring the *insert different rude word* who got in my way. By the top, things aren't feeling so good, then I go to strap in to the bindings and realise I need to (for the second time in my life) do so with only my left hand. Once finished I look around to realise the *insert 3rd rude word* has already gone and left and actually, I've done real damage to myself.

I very, VERY gently board the rest of the way to the mid station on the mountain, download to the bottom and head to the first aid/Patrol hut. Paperwork done, and then to hospital. I spent the journey debating with myself whether of not it was the right choice. Sure, we'd just had pay day, but it was going to cost approx $1000. Sure enough, seeing a doctor, 4 x-rays and several hours sat around waiting to hear back from a specialist in Vernon (2 hours away) and I've got a $985 bill. OUCH. Oh, and a collar bone snapped clean in half. Not so simple though, because of the surgery I had to correct ruptured ligaments on the shoulder in June 2017, it snapped where the screw goes through the bone, which created a weak point. Complicated more by the fact that screw is what holds an artificial ligament in place, and now the specialist, whom I have to drive 2+ hours to see, isn't sure what to do.

Tuesday is going to be a fun day!


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