Thought I'd drop back in

It's weird, once I actually got to Whistler, I basically stopped blogging. Still, here's a bit of an update to my life over the last year.


Once in Whistler I got a job working in ski rentals for the mountain. My boss was nice, the team was average, and I worked downstairs in what I titled as 'The Dungeon'. I can firmly say that were I to do it again, there're things I'd do differently!

During that time I also failed to find accommodation so on Dec 1st I moved into a van. It was an old Dodge Ram van SWB. SWB stands for short wheel base, which also stands for 'bad choice' when choosing a vehicle to live in! After 2 and a half months I finally managed to get into staff accommodation. From that moment on, I was warm! My room mates were good and I got out boarding as regularly as possible. Oh, and I also broke the cartilage that holds one of my ribs to my sternum in a snowboarding crash. Not as painful as breaking a femur, but very unpleasant!

New and old vans, the green Ford is a huge improvement!
Over the season I became good friends with a slightly nutty couple of Australians and we went boarding together a bunch, drinking a bit (or a lot ion their cases!) and generally winging our way through the season. Unfortunately come the summer, they disappeared to other places...

Drinking with the Aussies 
And one with me in...


My aim in coming to Canada was to expand my options in the biking industry by becoming a bike instructor. So I got my PMBI (Canadian instructor qualification) Level 1 but just before starting the job I broke my left pinky by smashing it at some pace into a tree. (scroll down for the xray) I ended up just starting the job later on in the summer and still had fun, and now I have a pinky perfectly curved for holding onto handlebars! Near the end of the season I got my Level 2 qualification, so when I go back next year I'll be able to go straight into teaching the interesting stuff, including doing bike jumps.

The top of Lord of the Squirrels, plus Happy Hour extension. Exhausting, but an amazing view

At the end of the winter I'd bought a different van, a bigger one, and started kitting it out to live in. This was a lengthy process, and 8 months on, I'm not 'finished', although I am satisfied with what I have done. It's really opened my eyes to it as a lifestyle and it might well be something I do well after leaving Canada. I've been living in there full time since May and we're almost into December now.

Mum and Dad came out and visited in September and I had the joy of playing tour guide for a while, we got to go and see some places I had wanted to see for a while, and they got to see where I lived (in a different van) and what Whistler was like. 

Dad - an unwitting model!

More to come!

Garibaldi lake. Photos do not do justice to how beautiful this place is

And that is what happens when you hit a tree at speed with nothing but one finger


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