I am quite fortunate.

*Photo updates to the last blog have been added*

To have such a good group of friends here, once again, I was looked after at Christmas. My friends from Whistler - Cam and Sam (a pair of Kiwi's) hosted a group of us at theirs for a great Christmas dinner. Not only did they have a turkey, potatoes and wine, but they managed to rustle up the salad they had requested I brought, but couldn't source as all the stores were closed on Christmas day.

I did contribute a little, although maybe a little selfishly. The other day I gave Cam a book on making different types of bread, something he's already been very good at, but there's no hard in more ideas is there? Possibly I'm just looking forward to him making another fantastic loaf though! I also left them my bottle of wine - they already seem to have plenty though, so maybe we'll just have a party soon!

Cam and I worked together over the summer as bike instructors, and we help look out for eachother when we can. A few weeks ago I supplied the tools and know-how to do the spark plugs on his van. It was about time too, they were the worst un-melted spark plugs I'd ever seen! The van now runs much better and Sam can drive around without being worried.

The other guests; Anne, Tim, Stephan and Tom were all the people I toured with in the last blog, and they are a great group to hang out with, although Tom and I are the only non-Kiwi's!

Anyway, it is nearly New Years, which I'm sure will hold some other shenanigans, and probably another Potluck, knowing Revelstoke!

PS. M+D sent me Christmassy underwear for the second year in a row. It gets used all year round, and fortunately I get a small amount of pleasure from wearing boxers covered in 'Merry Christmas' in the middle of July!


  1. We are so glad that your underwear makes you smile all year round, and maybe remember us too, although I'm not entirely sure I want to be remembered in connection with a pair of boxer shorts! ;)

  2. Like the old joke (not mine):

    Q. What's pink, a little wrinkly and hangs out your underpants?

    A. Your mum.

    No need to thank me. ;-)

  3. Last year we sent you half the pack of underpants. This year I searched high & low for the rest, eventually giving up & buying new ones.....
    ...today I found them!
    They'll do for next year! :)


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