There's no new snow...

And hasn't been for weeeeeks. It's no fun living in a ski resort with no new snow, despite it being sunny outside. Granted, I'd rather have the sun than cloud, but it's just been so cold recently! If it were sunny and warm (spring conditions!) we'd all be out there chilling in the sun, having a cold beverage and having a grand old time.

I'm not depressed or unhappy, work is still reallllly busy, so I'm not bored either. I'm just looking forward to bike season.

The onset of bike season highlights just how little money I've managed to save towards a new bike, and how much snow gear I have to sell! I'll get it done on my day off though, not that there seems to be many of those right now either!

To offset all this doom and 'gloom', I went to Big White resort the other day with some friends. It SNOWED! It was a great day for the 3 of us. Fresh snow, 15cm's deep, good company and a new resort to explore. The sun even came out to play, we could not have asked for more...

This was my only pic at Big White, but it shows untracked powder, just before we got the top run of the day! I got to lay a fresh line down here, which made me very happy!


  1. It's miserable weather here atm but a couple of weeks ago we had a beautiful week, sunny & temperatures around 17-18 degrees (there was a high somewhere of 21 I believe). It was so lovely to see the sun and all the flowers coming out, there are daffs everywhere. & primroses too Unfortunately Dad missed the best of it with being ill. :(


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